In the paper, the quality of the cutting surface is controlled by regula ting the feeding velocity of the water jet, meanwhile, the smooth transition of the manufacture track is acquired also, thus the water je micro manufacture process with abradant is realized. According to the characteristic of the water jet micro manufacture with abradant, the paper founds the neutral network model for the water jet micro manu facture with abradant. JJ-1 numerical control machine tool with wate jet serving as the experiment platform, the paper acquires the sample data, and trains the founded neutral network model. The model is applied to forecast the feeding velocity of each stage of progress under the giving condition, then modifies the feeding velocity ac cording to the manufacturing track and the characteristic of the ma chine tool,and compiles the numerical control code.Moreover,minisize drawing of the motorcycle is made out with stainless steel serving as the base plate
Mining & Processing Equipment