Actively bleeding Dieulafoy's lesion of the small bowel identified by capsule endoscopy and treated by push enteroscopy
Actively bleeding Dieulafoy's lesion of the small bowel identified by capsule endoscopy and treated by push enteroscopy
Dieulafoy's lesion is an unusual cause of recurrent GI bleeding. This report describes a case of actively bleeding Dieulafoy's lesion of the small bowel in which the diagnosis was made by capsule endoscopy, followed by treatment with the use of push enteroscopy. The case illustrates that capsule endoscopy and enteroscopy are highly complementary in patients with small bowel diseases.
Dieulafoy 的损害是周期性的官方补给的流血的一个不平常的原因。这份报告描述活跃地为 Dieulafoy 诊断被囊内视镜检查法在做的小肠的损害放血的一个案例,与推肠寄生物的使用由治疗列在后面。案例说明那囊内视镜检查法,肠寄生物在有小肠疾病的病人是高度补足的。
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