
欧盟就业男女平等政策浅析 被引量:5

Employment Equality Policies for Women and Menin EU
摘要 20世纪70年代至21世纪初,欧共体/欧盟发展了由指令、建议和行动项目构成的相互关联又递进发展的就业男女平等政策。“同工同酬”到“等值同酬”之政策变化的案例诠释,反映了欧盟逐步把社会性别平等的内在涵义纳入其社会政策,并使之在共同体和成员国两个层面上并存、互动而呈现引导性强于约束性的“软政策”特征。这些成功经验之外,“不规则就业”、未被政策充分覆盖的“无酬劳动”和“家庭劳动”等,仍是欧盟部分成员国女性劳动参与的主要形式,对女性发展尚存制约作用。 EC/EU developed its employment equal policies for women and men in 70-90s of the 20th century mainly through its Directives, Recommendations and Acfion-Programmes, which were inter- linked and went forward step by step. By analyzing the policies from "equal pay for equal work" to "equal pay for the work of equal value", it is clear that EC/EU has gradually brought the gender-equality perspective into its employment polices, and made them "soft" and flexible at both levels of EC/EU and its member countries. Except for these successful experiences, the atypical/informal employment, non-paid work and family-worker were still typical among women and disadvantageous for women's development, especially in the less-development or more agricultural member countries.
作者 许洁明
出处 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期61-67,共7页 Thinking
基金 云南省教育厅人文社会科学研究课题<云南与欧盟女性教育与就业政策互动的对照分析>成果(03Z028GYN)
关键词 政策概述 同值等酬诠释 不规则就业 General policy " Equal play for the work of equal value" Atypical / informal employment
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