
技术作为“应用科学”之观念的历史溯源以美国为例 被引量:4

Retrospective View of Interpreting Technology as Applied Science in the USA
摘要 对美国把技术解释为“科学应用”并成为一种流行的观念的复杂历史演变过程及其演变动因进行了探究。美国关于技术的流行观念形成过程分三个阶段:逐渐形成了把科学应用于“实用技艺”的观念;技术观念演变为“应用科学不过是纯科学的应用”;把科学到技术的过程理解为基础研究—应用研究—开发—生产经营的过程,即“技术程式”的观念深入人心。通过对美国技术史的研究,指出关于技术的流行观念是一个围绕科学与技术的关系问题为主线,科学共同体和技术共同体的社会地位、群体利益等因素参与了技术流行观念的建构。认为关于技术概念的观念是一个社会建构的产物。 In the USA the idea that the technology was interpreted as the "application of science" had been popularized for long. Discusses the relevant historical evolution process and its inner dynamic. The formation process of the popularized idea can be divided into three stages, i.e. , the science was applied to "the useful arts" gradually; the technology evolved a concept that "applied science is just the application of pure science" ; the course that technology evolved from science was interpreted as such a 4-phase process: basic research-applied research-R&D-production/business operation. The process was also called as "technological process" which has been accepted widely by the people. The different interpretations of technology indicated that the relation between science and technology is always the major issue in the prevailing idea about technology and the prevailing idea comprises other factors, such as the social status and group benefit of scientific community and technological community. The idea or concept of technology is therefore regarded as a social consensus.
出处 《东北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第4期235-238,共4页 Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science)
基金 辽宁省高等学校人文社科重点研究基地资助项目(J05009)
关键词 纯科学信念 技术 应用科学 pure science technology applied science
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