
一种有盟主的服务虚拟组织模型及其在电子政务中的应用 被引量:8

A Stakeholder-Centric Virtual Organization Model and Its Application in E- Government
摘要 提出了一种有盟主的服务虚拟组织模型(SHALOM),旨在服务网格环境下针对盟主的目标需求,解决盟主如何动态组织自主的合作伙伴的服务和流程资源构建虚拟组织协同进行求解的问题.在该模型的支撑下,盟主在业务层定义目标需求和分解任务,通过虚拟组织需求和成员提供的服务之间的匹配,动态选取相关合作伙伴的服务和流程资源.盟主在虚拟组织中的流程和服务资源之间定义协作关系,并采用聚合机制即时生成可运行的虚拟组织.文中重点讨论了SHALOM模型的核心元素和运作原理,并相应地介绍了支撑框架和相关技术,最后结合实际低成本电子政务应用展示了模型的效果. A stakeholder-centric virtual organization model (SHALOM) is put forward to cope with the problem of how to dynamically select autonomous partner's services and processes to form a virtual organization to satisfy the stakeholder's requirement in service grid environment. Through the definition and decomposition of requirement by the stakeholder of virtual organization in business level, partners are dynamically selected by matching between business level requirements and services provided by partners. The virtual organization model is converged to a workable virtual organization after the definition of collaboration relations between services and tasks of processes. This paper discusses the core elements and rationale of SHALOM in detail. After introducing the supporting infrastructure, the application effect is also exhibited through E-Government application.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期1241-1251,共11页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 本课题得到国家自然科学基金(90412005)资助.
关键词 网格 虚拟组织盟主 服务虚拟组织 电子政务应用 service grid virtual organization stakeholder service virtual organizations E-Government application
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