
Wenner法探测淡盐界面的调查研究 被引量:2

Investigation and Study on Fresh-saline Water Interface Detected by Wenner Method
摘要 本文在理论上对电法探测由数层地质构造组成的海岸带水层的淡盐界面的可能性进行探讨的基础上,对太平洋沿岸某地区进行了实地调查研究。测量设置在海岸附近及分布于海岸纵深方向的调查井铅直方向导电率的同时,在调查井附近进行了电探查。结果表明,电法探测的淡盐界面的深度与依据井水导电率区分的混合区域上端几乎一致,即电法探测的淡盐界面的位置在混合区域的上端。因此,该方法作为一种监测海水入侵的手段是非常适宜的,且与以往的手法比较,也是一种简单、快速、成本低廉的确定淡盐界面深度的方法。 This paper based on the inquiring of theoretical analyzing the feasibility of detecting fresh-saline water interface in coastal aquifer which composed of multil layer geologic structure by electric detection, and actually investigated and studied certain area near the Pacific Ocean coast. It investigates the wells near and far away from the coast by the parallel methods of electric detection and surveying the vertical conductivity of well water. Research results shows that the fresh-saline water interface depth detected is nearly coincident with the upper layer of mixed area that divided according to well water conductivity, i.e. the position of fresh--saline water interface detected is on the upper layer of mixed area. So electric detection is an appropriate method to monitor seawater intrusion and also a simple, fast, low cost detecting technique to determining fresh--saline water interface depth as compared with traditional techniques.
出处 《地下水》 2006年第3期83-88,共6页 Ground water
关键词 海岸带水层 淡盐界面 电探查 Coast aquifer, Fresh--saline water interface and Electric detection
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