Based on a pair of primers publicated by MONA M.ALY(Sense primer 5'- CAT ACT GGA GCC AAT GGT GTA AAG GGC AGA-3', antisense primer 5'-AAT GTT GTA GCG AAG TAC T-3'), PCR extends from sense primer of nucleotide 237 bp to 267 bp to antisense primer of nucleotide 499 bp to 517 bp of the long terminal repeat of SNV. A fragment of 281 bp of LTR gene was amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)from the genome of CEF infected with Reticuloendotheliosis Virus T strain (REV-T) or RT-PCR from viral RNA and cloned into plasmid pGEM-T Easy. The result of PCR or RT-PCR showed that the designed fragment was amplified with expected molecular weight and named as LTR. Two enzyme sites EcoR Ⅰ ,Hind Ⅲ were introduced at 5' terminal and 3' terminal of major antigenic domain of p30. The domain was subcloned into enzyme sites EcoR Ⅰ , Hind Ⅲ of a prokaryotic expression vector pET32-α (+). The recombinant plasmid was named as pET-p30. The expression vector was transformed into E.coli strain BL-21. The host was named BL-p30. After inducing by IPTG, the expression production experiment showed that fused protein TrxA-p30 was expressed in BL-p30 with expected molecular weight 25 Ku. The result of Western blot showed that TrxA-p30 had the antigenic characteristic of REV.The usual conditions for induction of TrxA-P30 can get high expression: 37 ℃,0.2 raM-0.8 mM 1PTG, incubating 4 h to 5 h after induction.The study is the basis of ELISA for detection of antibody against REV.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine