实施海岸带综合管理是沿海国家经济发展中的必然趋势,以浙江省海岸带地区为研究对象,使用Microsoft SQL Server数据库、Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services网络数据报表等技术设计了浙江省海岸带统计数据报表信息系统。该系统综合了浙江省海岸带地区的人口、社会经济、耕地、土壤资源以及海涂围垦等统计数据.通过Web浏览器和数据订阅等多种方式为用户提供了浙江省海岸带地区多角度、多时态的统计信息。系统可以为各级海岸带管理部门提供基础数据支持,为综合管理和合理利用海岸资源提供技术保障。文章还探讨了建设海岸带数据中心的必要性和可行性,以实现海岸带资源管理的动态化、实时化、网络化。
The integrated management for coastal is a trend in the world. This paper introduced the development of the system of statistic data for coastal region of Zhejiang Province based on Web.This system was designed with Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services technique. The data in this system included population, economy, cropland, soil resource and tidal flat resource. The users can get information through the Web and data subscription. The system could supply the basal data and technical support for effective using and integrated management of coastal resource. The paper also discuss the feasibility of building the data center for the coastal region of Zhejiang Province and achieving the aim of dynamic, Real-time and net coast management.
Bulletin of Science and Technology