

Instability of Two-Layer Marangoni-Bénard Convection with High-Frequency Vibration
摘要 对高频振动影响下双层Marangoni_Bénard对流进行了线性稳定性理论分析,发现了高频振动对于Marangoni_Bénard对流不稳定性特征的双重影响,并分析了硅油与氟液(FC70)典型双层流体实验系统的不稳定性,其结果显示在一定振动运动或残余重力场下的两层流系统具有更复杂的不稳定现象. Linear instability analysis of the Marangoni-Bènard eonveetion in a single layer and two-layer liquids systems with high frequency vibration have been performed in a larger variation range of the angle between vibration axis and horizontal liquid interface. It is shown from theoretical analysis results that the effects of vibration on the thermocapillary force-driven convection change from stable to unstable with increase of the angle. The Marangoni instability in the system of Silieon Oil and FC70 liquid layers indicates that the instability behaviours of two-layer liquid system with vibration or g-jitter are more eomplicated.
作者 刘秋生 王安
出处 《北京交通大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期6-10,14,共6页 JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(1037210510432060)
关键词 振动运动 Marangoni-Bènard对流 双层流体 线性稳定性 微重力 vibration Marangoni-Bènard eonvection two-layer fluid linear stability microgravity
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