
Nonlinear Propagation of Coupling Optical Pulse under Compton Scattering in Laser Medium 被引量:1

Nonlinear Propagation of Coupling Optical Pulse under Compton Scattering in Laser Medium
摘要 After considering Kerr nonlinear effect, group velocity dispersion of host and gain distribution of active particle in laser amplifying medium, a basic equation describing propagation of the coupling optical pulse under the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the laser amplifying medium has been deduced. Besides, the profile and power spectrum of a picosecond-level super-Gaussian coupling pulse in the laser amplifying medium have been discussed when its central frequency coincides with the gain peak frequency of the laser amplifying medium. After considering Kerr nonlinear effect, group velocity dispersion of host and gain distribution of active particle in laser amplifying medium, a basic equation describing propagation of the coupling optical pulse under the multi-photon nonlinear Compton scattering in the laser amplifying medium has been deduced. Besides, the profile and power spectrum of a picosecond-level super-Gaussian coupling pulse in the laser amplifying medium have been discussed when its central frequency coincides with the gain peak frequency of the laser amplifying medium.
出处 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2006年第3期178-183,204,共7页 半导体光子学与技术(英文版)
基金 NaturalScienceFoundationforEducationDepartmentofHenanProvince(2004601110) NaturalScienceFoundationforEducationDepartmentofZhumadianCity(058001)
关键词 Laser amplifying medium Compton scattering Group velocity dispersion Gain distribution 激光介质 Compton散射 色散 非线性光学传播
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