Since the Neogene, the reactivation of neotectonics and "paleotectonics", which occurred in the uplift stage after India-Eurasia collision, has been mainly manifested by a number of N-S extensional belts and NE- and NW-trending strike-slip faults, especially N-S extensional belts, in the Gangdise-Nyanqengtanglha slab on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, They are now tectonic belts with the characteristics of strong activities. The N-S-trending Tangqung Co-Xuru Co fault belt is one of these belts. The Neogene-Quatemary Tangqung Co-Xum Co graben controlled by the bek is -190 km long from north to south and 5-25 km wide from east to west and consists of the Tangqung Co, Tangra Yumco and Xuru Co subbasins. The basin-margin faults formed in the Neogene and were still active in the Holocene. Due to differential uplift and subsidence, the depocenter of the basin had a trend of change from east→west→east from south to north in the graben and activities such as earthquakes and geothermal activities were strong in the south and weak in the north, reflecting that the Qinghal-Tibet Plateau is characterized by limited wholesale uplift, localized differential uplift and subsidence and strong neotectonic activity in the south and weak tectonic activity in the north.
Geological Bulletin of China