问题的提出 在设计专业线描技法课程中,如何加强学生的创意思维培养,把基础训练与专业设计结合起来,提高学生用线描手法表现自己创意的能力,一直是我们思索和探寻的问题。
The courses of line painting in the design department should focus on training the students on creative thinking and help students to express their design intentions using the different techniques in line painting. To achieve this goal, the writer thinks that the teachers should pay attention to the following: 1. To inspire the students enthusiasm to learn; 2. To have training on the student's imagination; 3. To encourage students have their own personality; 4. To reconstruct various visual elements based on associational thinking; 5. To encourage students break through the tradition; 6. To communicate with the students often.
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