
Fe-Mn-Si形状记忆合金耐磨性的研究 被引量:7

Wear Resistance of Fe-Mn-Si Shape Memory Alloy
摘要 采用真空中频熔炼炉制备Fe-16.86Mn-4.50S i-10.30Cr-4.20N i试验合金,在M-200型摩擦磨损试验机上评价其在干摩擦和油润滑条件下的磨损性能,利用扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射仪观察和分析试验合金的磨损表面及其磨损机理.结果表明,试验合金在油润滑条件下的耐磨性显著高于干摩擦下的耐磨性,而且其磨损量并不随载荷增加而增大,如当载荷300 N时的磨损量比100 N时的磨损量小.同1Cr-18N i-9Ti不锈钢的耐磨性相比,在干摩擦下试验合金的耐磨性较差,而在油润滑下的耐磨性较好.在油润滑下试验合金的磨损表面存在大量ε马氏体,而在干摩擦下其磨损表面没有ε马氏体,由于摩擦力诱发γ→ε马氏体相变导致Fe-Mn-S i合金在干摩擦和油润滑条件下具有不同的磨损机理,从而使得合金在油润滑下具有优良的耐磨性. Alloy of Fe-16.86Mn-4.50Si-10.30Cr-4.20Ni was melted in a vacuum induction furnace. Wear characteristics of the alloy were investigated by means of M-200 friction wear test. Wear mechanism of the experimental alloy was analyzed by XRD and SEM. Results show that the alloy exhibits better wear resistance in oil lubrication than that in dry friction, and wear loss of the alloy does not increase with increasing friction load. Compared with 1Cr-18Ni-9Ti stainless steel, the alloy exhibits lower wear resistance in dry friction and it exhibits better in oil lubrication. There are large amount of ε martensites in the worn surface of Fe-17Mn-5Si-10Cr-4Ni alloy after oil lubrication, but there is no ε martensite in the worn surface of the alloy after dry friction. Stress-induced γ→ε martensitie transformation leads to different wear mechanisms of Fe-Mn-Si alloy in dry friction and oil lubrication, and that is the reason of the alloy for excellent wear resistance in oil lubrication.
出处 《摩擦学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期336-340,共5页 Tribology
基金 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(503038)
关键词 FE-MN-SI形状记忆合金 耐磨性 应力诱发γ→ε马氏体相变 Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy, wear resistance, stress-induced γ→ε martensitic transformations
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