
论金融功能演进与金融发展 被引量:194

On the Relationship between Evolution of Financial Function and Financial Development
摘要 随着经济金融化和金融全球化的不断深入发展,金融在整个经济中的核心地位逐步确立,金融发展问题日益引起众多专家学者的关注。但很少有人从金融功能演进的角度来研究,但这可能是一个更为恰当的研究视角。本文在对相关文献进行评述的基础上,重新界定了金融功能,进而勾画了金融功能演进的历史轨迹,最后得出金融功能扩展和提升的演进过程就是金融发展这一结论,从一个新的研究视角加深了对金融发展问题的理解。 With the economic financialization and financial globalization, finance is gradually undertaking the key functions and taking the centralpostion in whole economy. As a result, the issue of financialdevelopment appeals more and more attention. But literatures focusing onthe evolution of financial functions are still very few. Reviewingpreceding relevant literatures, this paper gives a new definition offinancial functions,describes the evolution of financial functions, andconcludes that the expansion of financial functions is itself the financialdevelopment.
出处 《金融研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第7期41-52,共12页 Journal of Financial Research
关键词 金融功能 演进 金融发展 Financial Function, Evolution, Financial Development
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