
一种新的移动Ad Hoc网络的安全解决方案 被引量:1

A New Security Solution Scheme of Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
摘要 基于自发证书的移动Ad Hoc网络(MANET)安全解决方案采用的证书选择算法只能从概率统计上保证获得一条证书链、要求节点具备较高的存储能力和计算能力、缺乏证书管理机制。文章结合自发证书和证书链思想,提出了一种新的MANET安全解决方案,从改进证书管理、获取目的节点可信公钥、提出基于质询-签名机制双向身份认证方法和保障安全通信4方面加强其安全性。 A secure solution scheme based on certificates issued by nodes themselves has been proposed for mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The certificate hunter algorithm which the scheme uses can only assure obtain a certificate link in probability. It also requires that nodes have good storage and computing capability, and is short of certificate management. Combining the idea of issuing certificates nodes themselves and certificate link, this paper proposes a new security solution scheme of MANETs, which enhances the security from improving certificate management, how to obtain the verifiable public key of destination node, proposing mutual entity authentication based on challenge-signature and securing communication.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第14期143-145,共3页 Computer Engineering
基金 国家"863"计划基金(2002AA783043)
关键词 证书管理 基于用户标识符 质询-签名 移动AD HOC网络 Certificate management Identify-based Challenge-signature Mobile ad hoc networks
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