
一种模块化的安全协议设计方法 被引量:1

A Modular-based Approach to Design Secure Protocol
摘要 目前安全协议的设计方法存在方法抽象、适用范围小、复杂及不系统的特点。基于此,文章提出了一种设计方法,通过组合协议类型及安全属性的实现模块构成初始协议,再根据协议要求完善初始协议形成最终协议。方法适用于全部安全协议,便于协议设计人员操作,而且更易实现安全协议的设计自动化。最后,以端到端的密钥建立协议为例,对此方法进行了说明。 The present methods to design secure protocol have the following characters: abstract, the narrow application range, complexity, and non-system. This paper presents a novel approach, which firstly combines the implementation modules of protocol type and secure properties to construct the original protocol, and then according to protocol requirements, perfects it to form the final protocol. The approach can be applied to all secure protocols, and it is easier for people to design secure protocol, and to implement the auto-design of secure protocol. At last, the paper illustrates the two-part key establishment protocol to show how one use this approach to design secure protocol.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第14期122-124,共3页 Computer Engineering
关键词 安全协议 模块化设计 密钥建立 抗DoS攻击 Secure protocol Modular-based design Key establishment Anti-DoS attack
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