
护理本科女生人际归因风格特点 被引量:5

Interpersonal Attribution Style of Female Students of Nursing School and Medical School
摘要 目的:了解护理本科女生人际归因风格的特点。方法:抽取中南大学湘雅医学院临床医学、护理学两专业统招本科女生500名,运用多维度—多归因因果量表(MMCS)中的人际关系分量表施测。结果:两专业女生人际归因得分随年级增加而增高(临床医学女生得分从44.7±72.0到50.8±9.5,护理本科女生得分从45.9±8.0到51.2±7.9),两专业女生间各年级的人际归因平均得分差别无统计学意义(P=0.15—0.81)。护理本科女生在人际交往成功时的归因得分由高到低为努力、能力、背景、运气(7.59±1.99,7.20±2.19,6.82±1.82,4.74±1.99),在人际交往失败时,归因得分由高到低为运气、努力、能力、背景(5.7±2.4,5.4±2.0,5.0±2.0,4.9±2.5),各年级除了在人际交往失败时,能力方面的归因得分差别无统计学意义之外(F=5.57,P=0.32),其它各方面的得分均随年级升高而升高,差异有统计学意义(F=1.19—29.8,P〈0.05)。结论:护理本科女生与临床医疗专业女生具有相同的人际归因风格,主要表现为随学习年限增加而呈外控趋势,在成功归因方面,各年级首先考虑并强调的是努力因素,并呈现内部的、不稳定的、可控趋势;在失败归因方面,强调运气因素,呈现外部的、不稳定的、不可控趋势。 Objective: To investigate the interpersonal attribution style of the baccalaureate nursing female students (BNFS) and to explore the difference of attribution style between the female students majoring in clinic medicine and nursing. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out by using the Interpersonal Relationship Subscale of Muhidimensional-Muhiattributional Causality Scale by Lefcourt et al. 500 college female students, from clinic medicine and nursing science of Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine, were recruited by using stratified random sampling. Results: The higher Grade, the higher Interpersonal Relationship Attribution Score ( IRAS ) of BNFS ( 44. 7 ± 7.8 - 50. 8 ± 9.5, 45.9 ± 8. 0 - 51.2 ± 7.9 ) . There was no statistical difference in IRAS of the female students majoring in clinic medicine and nursing science ( P = 0. 15 -0. 81 ), but the different Grades had statistical difference in IRAS ( P 〈 0. 05 ) . The BNFSs' attribution sequence was ranked as effort, ability, background, and fortune under the condition of interpersonal communication success; while it was luck, effort, ability, background under the condition of failure. There was statistical difference in each grade under the condition of interpersonal attribution, success and failure attribution except the factor of ability under the condition of failure. Conclusion: The interpersonal attribution style possessed by female students majoring in clinic medicine and nursing science was inclined to extroversion tendency. The interpersonal attribution style was the higher Grade, the more tendency to extroversion. BNFS were inclined tO think the successful behavior was caused by internal, unstable, controllable reasons. They showed more tendency to internal attribution ( ability, effort ) and emphasized the factor of effort. In the contrast, when they failed, they were apt to attribute their failure to external, unstable, uncontrollable reasons and showed more tendency to external attribution and emphasized the factor of fortune.
出处 《中国心理卫生杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期447-450,共4页 Chinese Mental Health Journal
关键词 人际交往 归因 横断面调查 护理 医疗 本科生 interpersonal communication attribution cross-sectional study baccalaureate nursing students
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