
表面等离子体共振生物传感器在微生物检测中的应用 被引量:4

Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor in Microbial Detection
摘要 在地球环境及航天空间环境中存在有多种多样的微生物,快速、准确地检测这些微生物成为亟待解决的问题.在众多微生物检测方法中,表面等离子体共振生物传感器凭借其快速、灵敏的检测特点,近年来发展迅速.本文综述了表面等离子体共振生物传感器在微生物检测领域中的应用,以期为地面及航天环境的微生物检测工作提供技术参考. There are a variety of microbes in the environment of the Earth and spaceflight. The proliferation of these microbes especially the pathogenetic microbes in the spacecraft will threaten astronauts' health even lives, so rapid and accurate detection of these microorganisms is put on schedule. Among so many detection methods, surface plasmon resonance biosensor developed rapidly in recent years by merit of its rapidness and high sensitivity. The SPR phenomenon occurs when an incident beam of p-polarized light of a given wavelength strikes the surface at a given angle through a prism, the biosensors based on SPR principle are used to monitor the changes of refractive index of ultrathin organic films at metal surfaces and are widely applied in the interaction of antigen-antibody, DNA-DNA and so on, but the harsh conditions of space bring forward more demands for the sensor. Because the detection of SPR sensor is independent of the gravity and it can resist the interference of electromagnetic, sound and so on, the SPR sensor has great advantages in the application of space. This article summarizes the application of SPR biosensor in the microbial detection, aiming at providing reference to microbial monitoring of earth and spaceflight.
出处 《空间科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期264-267,共4页 Chinese Journal of Space Science
基金 载人航天工程应用项目资助
关键词 航天 微生物检测 表面等离子体共振 实时监测 Spaceflight, Microbial detection, Surface plasmon resonance, Real-time monitoring
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