
GRAPES模式不同云物理方案对短期气候模拟的影响 被引量:24

Analysis of Cloud Schemes in Simulation of Short-Term Climatic Process
摘要 在胡志晋、刘奇俊云物理方案的基础上,研制了GRAPES模式的云降水显式方案。用不同云物理方案开展了短期气候(月尺度)过程的模拟试验,并与地面观测资料和NECP再分析资料进行了对比分析。模拟的结果表明,耦合了云降水显式方案的GRAPES模式较好地模拟出了中国地区降水、温度、云量、长短波辐射的特点和分布规律。气候模拟中冰相过程和暖云过程模拟的降水、温度、云量和辐射差异较大,不同相态的水凝物及其分布对辐射特征有较大的影响,混合相云物理方案的模拟结果与实况更为吻合,应使用混合相云物理方案进行短期气候的模拟。 Based on the Hu Zhijin and Liu Qijun's cloud physics scheme, a explicit cloud scheme in GRAPES model is developed. A short-term climatic process is simulated with warm cloud scheme and the explicit cloud scheme. The results show that GRAPES model with the explicit cloud scheme has greater simulation capability in comparison with observa- tion and NCEP analyzed data. It is able to reveal the distributions of precipitation, surface temperature, cloudiness, the top-of-atmosphere radiation budget. Result of experiment shows that the differences between warm cloud scheme and phase mixed cloud scheme are obvious in precipitation, surface temperature, cloudiness and radiation budget in the simulation of short-term climatic process. It is found that the various phase water coagulation and its distribution have a strong influence on radiation budget. Simulated results of phase mixed cloud scheme are better than those of warm cloud scheme, so phase mixed cloud scheme should be used in simulation of short-term climatic process.
机构地区 国家气象中心
出处 《气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期3-12,共10页 Meteorological Monthly
基金 国家"十五"攻关课题2001BA601A-06 中国气象局气象系统模式发展研究项目共同资助
关键词 云物理方案 GRAPES模式 短期气候模拟 云辐射特征 cloud physics scheme GRAPES model simulation cloud radiant properties
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