
大肠埃希菌多重耐药调节子研究进展 被引量:4

Progress on Multiple-Antibiotic-Resistance Regulon of Escherichia coli
摘要 大肠埃希菌多重抗生素耐药主要是由多重耐药调节基因和外输泵共同作用产生的。大肠埃希菌多重耐药调节子是广泛存在于肠杆菌科细菌染色体上的抗生素多重耐药调节中心,是大肠埃希菌耐药的主要组成部分。为解决多重抗生素耐药问题,很多专家和学者对大肠埃希菌多重耐药调节子和外输泵的耐药机制进行了深入的研究,研究开发多重抗生素耐药基因消除剂和外输泵抑制剂,或增加外输泵抑制基因的表达,将成为从根本上解决多重抗生素耐药问题的最好方法。文章对大肠埃希菌AcrAB、AcrAB-Tolc,Mar和膜孔蛋白Ompf、Ompc等多重抗生素耐药调节子的组成、功能及其影响因素进行了综述。 Multiple-antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli is caused by both multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon and efflux pump. Multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon is the main factor of Escherichia coli resistance, which commonly exists in the chromosome of the multiple-antibiotic-resistance regular center of antibiotics in the genes of enteric bacilli genes. Nowadays, more and more experts and scholars are engaged in the further study of the mechanism of multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon and efflux pump in Escherichia coli to solve the multiple-antibiotic resistance. The best way is to develop multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon counteractant and efflux pump inhibitor, or to increase the expression of efflux pump. This review discribed the construction and function, as well as the affected factors of multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon such as AcrAB and Mar, Ompf and Ompc porin in Escherichia coli.
出处 《动物医学进展》 CSCD 2006年第7期42-45,共4页 Progress In Veterinary Medicine
关键词 大肠埃希菌 多重耐药调节子 功能 影响因素 Escherichia coli multiple-antibiotic-resistance regulon construction function affected factors
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