With micro-lysimeters, experiments were conducted to investigate the evapotranspiration (ET) and growth pattern of turfgrass under different soil moisture conditions in 2002 to 2004. The turf grass was irrigated once a week or two weeks in 2002 and 2003, while in 2004 three lower limits of soil moisture content in the root zone were used as turf irrigation index. The three soil moisture content levels, which correspond to three water stress levels, were 80% ( S1 ), 60% ( S2), and 40% ( S3 ) of filed capacity(FC). All lysimeters in 2002 to 2004 were irrigated with different amounts such that the soil water content in the root zone was refilled to field capacity. Results indicated that ET for all turfgrasses has two peaks in each year. The fast peak appears from the middle of May to the end of Jun, while the second peak appears from the middle of July to the middle of September. ET of turf grass changes with precipitation. Highest growth for shoot and root was found for treatment S1, while there is approximately no significant difference in shoot and root growth between treatments S2 and S3. However, ET was significantly reduced with the decrease lower limit. It is recommended lower limit in the range 40% to 60% of FC is suitable in turfgrass irrigation practice to achieve the goal of water saving.
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage