构建社会主义和谐社会,应当大力培养和谐审美观。笔者调查表明:其一,在32 504个调查对象中,55%有时考虑美,33%总是考虑美,12%不太考虑美;其二,中国公民总体趋向于以善良为美,而以和谐为美排第四位,构建和谐社会任重而道远;其三,当前中国公民多以个人兴趣为出发点进行审美判断,占被调查人数的43.6%,25.5%选择“依据大众流行和时尚,”30.9%选择”依据理想化的标准或境界”进行审美判断;其四,中国公民的审美实践活动以欣赏自然美和艺术美为主。为此,笔者得出以下结论:一是经济社会发展水平的差异并未制约人们的审美需求,不能因为中国经济发展的不平衡性而忽视人们的审美倾向,从物质产品生产与消费、精神产品的创造,从社会组织与运行状态角度、人与自然等角度看和谐社会的构建时都必须考虑人们的审美心理倾向且应进一步激发与引导中国公民的审美需求;二是和谐社会的构建既要尊重公民的个性因素,也应加强中国公民传统文化的教育和“和谐”本质的教育,还应加强公民对待社会的审美心态的培养。
To construct a harmonious society, We must cultivate harmonious aesthetic ideology. Based on some aesthetic value data from the important key project of Chinese Ministry of Education: 1) we may know that among the 32 504 recipients of the survey, 33 percent always take the beauty into consideration, while 55 percent sometimes and 12 percent hardly do so. 2) In the data, Chinese people considered kindness as a virtue , the harmonious is listed No. 4. There is a long way to go to construct the harmonious society. 3)People nowadays use his own fondness as the criteria of beauty. The percentage of the people is 43.6. And 25.5 percent judge the beauty by fashion and vogue and the rest 30.9 percent idealize the beauty according to imaginary extent or criteria. 4) Chinese people' s practices focuse on the appreciation of the natural beauty and the beauty of art. My conclusions are: (1) People' s aesthetic needs are not restricted by unbalanced economical development in China. Chinese people' s aesthetic inclination should not be neglected because of the imbalance . It should be considered in the production and consumption of material prod- uct, the creation of spiritual product, the organization and operation of the society, the relationship between human being and nature and further be stimulated and guided. (2) To construct the harmonious society, the characteristics of citizens should be respected and the education of traditional culture and the nature of harmony should be strengthened, and the cultivation of the aesthetic attitude towards society also should be strengthen.
Journal of Chongqing University(Social Science Edition)
Chinese citizen
aesthetic psychological inclination
harmonious society