传统方法使用对文件或整个磁盘进行加密的方法来保护数据信息,然而加密后的信息本身无法隐藏自身的存在,文件本身的存在就会促使感兴趣的攻击者去企图破解加密信息。在某些情况下攻击者甚至可以使用强迫手段迫使文件的主人公开他的加密密钥,这使得复杂的加密技术变得毫无意义。介绍一种新的着重于隐藏数据的存在性的加密手段———隐文加密(Steganography,隐写术)来对重要文件的存储进行加密,该方法采用隐文B+树(Steg B+Tree)建立UNIX系统的文件索引,并通过隐藏表将隐文B+树索引隐蔽起来,使攻击者无法知道重要信息的存在,从而使要保护的信息更安全。
Traditional cryptographic technologies can protect digital information by encrypting the file or whole disk. However, the encrypted cipher text it-self is the evidence of existence of the valuable data, which could prompt a curious attacker to circumvent the protection. Cryptography also provides little protection against instruments that force the owner of the data to unlock it. Steg B^+ -Tree, which uses steganographic technologies to overcome above mentioned weakness is presented by hiding the existence of data so that an adversary could get no information about whether the protected data ever exists without correct object name and access key.
Journal of Nanjing Tech University(Natural Science Edition)