25 adult patients(ASAⅠ~Ⅱ) scheduled for abdominal operation were divided into two groups:halothane anesthesia group (n=14) and ketamine anesthesia group (n=11). Halothane 0 8~1 8MAC in halation or ketamine 3mg·kg -1 /h intravenously were administered respectively. The blood samples of the artery and the internal jugular vein were taken before anesthesia, at 30min and 60min after anesthesia. PaO 2、CaO 2 and PvO 2、CvO 2 were measured. Results show that PaO 2 and CaO 2 of two groups were roughly the same. There was a significant difference in PvO 2 and CvO 2 between two groups at 30min (P<0 05) and 60min (P<0 01) after anesthesia. The findings suggest that halothane can increase cevebral PvO 2 and CvO 2, while ketamine not. It may be resulted from different effects of halothane and ketamine on cerebral blood flow and metabolic rate.
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology