
无刷直流电动机运行全过程的仿真研究 被引量:6

Study and Simulation of the Overall Operation Behavior of Brushless DC Motor
摘要 在分析无刷直流电动机数学模型的基础上,结合电机实际运行过程的动态分析,介绍了一种基于M atlab的无刷直流电动机稳态、瞬态全过程的仿真新方法,解决了传统的无刷直流电动机仿真模型只针对稳态或者仅仅针对换相瞬间进行仿真的不足;提出了一个改进的转子电角度模块,提高了电压逆变模块的准确度,消除了传统仿真方法中非工作相的仿真电流波形在续流结束后电流反向的假象;通过对模块的优化以及对s函数的数学抽象和高度简化,极大提高了仿真速度。仿真波形验证了仿真模型的有效性和正确性。 Based on the analysis of the mathematical model and the overall dynamic operation behavior of the brushless DC motor (BLDCM), a novel BLDCM simulation model which can solve beth the steady - state and the transient operation simultaneously compared with conventional simulation models is presented in Matlab/Simulink environment. An improved rotor electric degree calculation functional block is suggested, which increases the accuracy of the voltage inverter functional block, and eliminates the false pattern of the current reversion at the end of the commutation in the inactive phase that appears in traditional models. The simulation speed is greatly improved by optimizing the functional blocks and simplifying the s - functions. A large number of key simulation waveforms verify the validity and accuracy of the proposed BLDCM model.
机构地区 华南理工大学
出处 《微特电机》 北大核心 2006年第7期13-16,共4页 Small & Special Electrical Machines
关键词 无刷直流电动机 动态分析 仿真 MATLAB BLDCM dynamic analysis simulation Matlab
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