
从过程理论观点探索我国运动员的退役(I)——退役意识、心理状态与应对策略的调查 被引量:22

Investigation on Retirement Consciousness, Mental State and Strategy of Our Athletes
摘要 研究基于运动员退役的过程理论,对我国运动员的退役意识、心理状态和应对策略进行定量分析。研究对789名运动员进行了调查,按照运动员年龄、训练年限和性别,对其生活中的心理状态和退役应对策略进行了分析。另外,对打算退役和不打算退役的运动员进行退役意识、心理状态和应对策略的分析。结果发现,运动员随着年龄的增加对自己的运动员角色认知下降,退役准备的认知会增加;产生退役的想法与生活的心理状态有关。对打算退役运动员的心理状态进行分析,发现运动员在自我评介、生活满意度和社会支持的认知方面,都表现出差于不打算退役的运动员,而且,生活焦虑和孤独感明显增加。研究还发现,女性运动员的心理状态较差,主要表现在生活焦虑方面。在应对退役的策略方面,运动员采用回避的应对方式多于积极的应对方式,尤其是女性运动员,采用回避的应对方式更为突出。基于以上这些发现,从社会心理学角度,讨论了我国运动员退役过程的心理问题。 Based on the process theory of athlete retirement, this paper made quantitative analysis on retirement consciousness, mental state and strategy of our athletes. Seven hundred and eighty nine athletes were picked up for study. According to their age, training years and gender ,the mental state and strategy for retirement was analyzed. The result showed that with the age increasing,the recognition on their role Ot athletes was decreasea,whlle the preparation for retirement was increased. The ideas for retirement were related with mental state in daily life. Analysis on mental state of athletes who intending retirement showed that the level of their self-evaluation, life satisfaction and social support were lower than that of non-intending retirement athletes. The llte anxiety and loneliness was obvious increased. The mental state of female athletes was poorer than male athletes, especially for life anxiety. The strategy for retirement ,athletes usually use the method of avoidance rather than positive method,especially for female athletes. Based on above findings, this paper discussed the mental problems of our athlete retirement from the perspective of social psychology.
作者 王进
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第7期47-54,59,共9页 China Sport Science
基金 国家体育总局体育社会科学基金项目(615ss04015)。
关键词 运动员 退役 意识 角色 心理状态 应对策略 中国 athlete retirement consciousness role mental state countermeasure China
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