
振动力量训练即时效应与结构性效应的研究进展 被引量:31

Development of Acute Effect and Structural Effect of Vibration Strength Training
摘要 振动力量训练是一种新兴的力量训练方法,以其能够用较小的负荷有效地提高肌肉力量及爆发力而受到越来越多国内、外专家的关注。根据振动刺激时间的不同,将振动训练所产生的效应分为即时效应和结构性效应,对影响振动力量训练即时效应和结构性效应的因素进行综述,并对这两种效应的研究趋势进行了探讨。 The vibration strength training is a new type of strength training,which gets more and more concerned by experts at home and abroad for effectively increasing muscle strength and explosiveness with little load. Based on the time of vibration,the acute effect and structural effect of vibration was classified. The factors influencing acute effect and structural effect were reviewed and research trend on these tow kind of effects was discussed.
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第7期63-66,共4页 China Sport Science
基金 河北省教育厅资助研究项目(2003239)。
关键词 振动力量 训练 效应 频率 进展 vibration strength training effect frequency development
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