The differential heats of adsorption (DHA) and IR spectra of alkenes on NaY and USY zeolites were measured at loom temperature with a SETARAM microcalorimcter and a PE-680 IR spectrophotometer respectively. The regularities of the DHA of alkenes on NaY were as follows:(1) DHA increased with the increasing of carbon atom in alkene molecule;(2) for alkenes with the same number of carbon atoms, DHA increased in the order of straight chain>iso->cyclic alkenes. Adsorption site Na+ in NaY zeolite could activate to a certain extent the jr-bond, but could not break down the π-bond. When alkenes adsorbed on USY zeolite, jr-bond was broken down to form carbonium ions. According to the results calculated from the DHA, the high activity of carbonium ions might be expected.