详细介绍桑塔纳2000(时代超人)电动门窗延时继电器在点火开关未接通前、接通后以及断开后的工作过程。阐述了左前门窗自动下降继电器在短时间(<300m s)、长时间(>300m s)按动开关以及开关向前按这3种情况下的工作过程。本文电路图是从实物上测绘整理而成,并与外电路相连接,以便于识读。
The whole working process of time-delay relay for electric door-window on SANTANA 2000 is introduced in details here. The working processes of self-dropping relay of the left front door-window under three conditions are also expounded. The circuit diagram here is drawn on the basis of real material and joined outer circuit.
Auto Electric Parts