
α-三连噻吩光活化抑制植物生长活性及作用靶标 被引量:1

The growth inhibition of photoactivation and action target on several plants induced by α-terithienyl
摘要 采用小杯法测定了α-三连噻吩(α-T)对几种植物的光活化生长抑制作用。经用近紫外光(320~400nm)照射后,α-T能有效地抑制稗草、油菜和含羞草根、茎的生长,特别对稗草的生长抑制作用最为明显。当α-T处理浓度为10mg/L时,光照对稗草根、茎长的抑制率分别达到87.89%和95.29%,而非光照处理则为13.79%和-5.86%。处理浓度为100mg/L时,光照对根、茎长抑制率均为100%,而非光照处理分别为16.20%和16.74%。检测不同光照时间和不同浓度处理对生长抑制作用的影响发现,随着光照时间从0.5h延长到3h,处理浓度从0.1、1至10mg/L时,测得对稗草根长和茎长的抑制率呈明显的正相关,只有当光照时间达到一定强度时,才能显现出光活化的效应。电镜观察表明,经α-T处理的稗草愈伤组织,浓度为10mg/L,光照3h时,可造成细胞生物膜结构的破坏,而非光照处理细胞则无明显损伤。 Alpha-terithienyl, a photosensitive compound origin from Asteraceae, was studied on growth inhibition of photoactivation to several plants. The result showed that the growth of root and stem of Echinochloa crusgalli, Mimosa pudica and Brassica chinensis was inhibited by α-terithienyl under UV-A irradiation. In tested plants E. crusgalli is one of the most sensitive to α-terithienyl, the inhibition percentage on the growth of root and stem was 87.89 and 95.29 with irradiation for 3 h and non-irradiation was 13.70 and - 5.86 at 10 mg/L of α-terithienyl, respectively. From the result of experiment of different time of irradiation and different concentrations of α-terithienyl to E. crusgalli on growth inhibition, it was found that the growth inhibition was correlated well with time of irradiation and the concentration of α-terithienyl. Only with enough time of irradiation can α-terithienyl produced the effect of growth inhibition to E. crusgalli. Electron microscope observation showed that the cell membrane in culture cells of E. crusgalli is the main action-target of α-terithienyl under irradiation.
出处 《植物保护学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期183-186,共4页 Journal of Plant Protection
基金 广东省自然科学基金(990703 010319) 华南农业大学农药及化学生物学教育部重点实验室基金资助(2005)
关键词 α-三连噻吩 光活化作用 稗草 作用靶标 α-terithienyl photoactivation Echinochloa crusgalli action target
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