选用对小麦白粉病菌抗、感不同的3个小麦材料,接种白粉菌小种E 09。接菌后分别用DAP I(4-′6-d iam id ino-2-pheny lindole)染色、末端脱氧核糖核酸转移酶介导的dUTP切口末端标记(TUNEL)以及琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测。其中感病材料百农3217和有明显过敏反应特征的抗病材料Pm 2/百农32177F 5接菌7 d时呈现明显的细胞程序性死亡(PCD),而抗病材料Pm 21/百农32177F5则未见PCD发生,说明小麦白粉菌互作过程中产生的过敏反应(HR)属于PCD的范畴,同时还说明小麦白粉菌互作体系中抗病反应与HR是相互独立的。但是亲和互作中产生的PCD和HR中的PCD产生的机理是否相同尚需进一步研究。
In order to learn the relationship of resistance and hypersensitive response (HR) during the wheat-pathogen interaction, Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici isolate E09 was used to induce cell death in three wheat accessions EBainong 3217 (S), Pm2/Bainong 32177F5(R) and Pm21/Bainong 32177Fs(R) which showed different reaction types after the inoculation. In this study, programmed cell death (PCD) was observed in two accessions (Bainong 3217 and Pm2/Bainong 32177F~) after inoculated for 7 days by using DAPI dyeing and Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)-mediated d UTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) procedure, while there was no PCD occurred in Pm21/Bainong 3217^7F5, this showed that HR caused in wheat-powdery mildew interaction was a form of PCD. This also indicated that there was no necessary relationship between resistance and HR in the interaction system. But whether the mechanism of PCD occured was same in compatible and HR interaction is still not clear.
Journal of Yangzhou University:Agricultural and Life Science Edition