At the switchover moment of high-power revolving air preheater from VF(Variable Frequency) to FF(Fundamental Frequency),the large impact current caused by their inconsistent phases may result in switchover failure. A VF- FF synchronous switchover device based on the PLL (Phase- Locked Loop) technology has been designed for it. The device takes the inverter as VCO (Voltage-Controlled Oscillator) , the high performance single-chip C8051F integrated with high-speed AD and DA converters as the main controller. It samples voltage signals of VF and FF sources and realizes phase-locked control by software phase-detecting and phase-locking operations. Experiment results show that the device can lock phase quickly and accurately,its steady phase error is within ±7° and switching current is below 1.5 times of motor rated current. The device realizes bumpless switchover for air preheater from VF to FF supply source.
Electric Power Automation Equipment