目的探讨输尿管镜气压弹道碎石治疗输尿管结石的疗效。方法2001年3月至2005年3月132例输尿管结石患者采用输尿管镜气压弹道碎石治疗。其中男性88例,女性44例,年龄19-82岁,平均42岁。结石位于输尿管上段10例,中段24例,下段86例,单发结石104例,多发结石28例。结石横径3-12 mm,纵径3-24 mm;平均6.3 mm×8.6 mm。肾结石ESWL后形成输尿管石街12例。结果132例输尿管结石粉碎率92.4%(122例)。一次彻底排石成功率81.1%(107例)。10例未能给予气压弹道碎石,其中6例转为开放手术,4例改ESWL。结论输尿管镜气压弹道碎石术治疗输尿管结石创伤小、成功率高、并发症少。
Obiective To evaluate the effects of ureteroscopic pneumatic lithotrity in the treatment of ureteral calculi. Methods Data of 132 patients including 88 male, 44 female, age ranging from 19-82, mean age being 42 years with ureteral calculi treated by ureteroscopic pneumatic lithotripsy from March 2001 to March 2005 were studied retrospectively. Of the patients, 10 had calculi in upper ureter, 24 in the middle, 86 in the lower ureter. The size of the stones ranged from 3 mm to 24 mm in diameters mean size being 6.3 mm×8.6 mm. Results The overall comminution rate was 92.4% (122 cases). Ofthe 132 cases, 107(81.1%)were stone free immediately after the procedure. The operation failed in 10 cases, 6 of which then treated by open surgery and 4 by ESWL. Conclusion Pneumatic lithotripsy through transureteroscopy is a safe and effective technique with less lesion and complications.
Journal of Modern Urology