
孕期持续摄取乙醇母鼠体内注入甲状腺素对新生子鼠脑发育的影响 被引量:1

Effect of maternal thyroxine treatment on the brain development of offspring following continuous prenatal exposure to alcohol
摘要 目的:通过孕期持续摄取乙醇母鼠体内注入甲状腺素,观察母体接受外源性甲状腺素时能否改善胎儿乙醇综合征引起的脑损伤。方法:实验于2003-09/2004-08在韩国朝鲜大学神经解剖实验室完成。选择SD母鼠36只,于怀孕第6天随机数字表法分为乙醇组(n=6),每日摄取22%乙醇20mL(热量为147J);正常对照组(n=6),每日摄取糊精(日本)35mL(热量为147J);乙醇+6.5mol/L甲状腺素(T4,Sigma)组(n=6),每日摄取22%乙醇20mL(热量为147J),并每日在颈后皮下注入T4(5μg/kg);代理母组(n=18),正常摄取食物。乙醇组、正常对照组、乙醇+T4组母鼠分娩6h后,与其子鼠分开,麻醉后心脏采血,由韩国朝鲜大学医院检验室测试血中乙醇浓度和T4含量,并以Kruskal-Wallistest分析。3组新生子鼠由代理母组的代理母鼠养育,分别于生后0,7,14,21,28d时麻醉处死,采用免疫组织化学染色法,在大脑皮质中观察含有神经肽Y的神经细胞的分布及形态,并在大脑皮质的Ⅴ,Ⅵ层中测单位面积含有神经肽Y的神经细胞数。结果:纳入母鼠18只及其所生的子鼠90只均进入结果分析。①乙醇+T4组大鼠生后14d始出现分布及形态与正常对照组类似的成熟的含有神经肽Y神经细胞,即可观察到长而明显突起的、双极或多极的神经细胞突起所形成的分支以及其相互间的连接,乙醇组大鼠始终未出现具有上述表现的成熟的含有经肽Y神经细胞。②乙醇组、乙醇+T4组乙醇浓度高于正常对照组,差异显著[分别为(0.015±0.006)%,(0.012±0.005)%,0,P=0.014];乙醇+T4组T4含量高于乙醇组,差异显著[分别为(33±6),(22±4)μg/L,P=0.022]。③乙醇组含有的神经肽Y神经细胞数,在生后各年龄阶段中均较正常对照组明显减少,并于生后14d开始出现差异显著[分别为(16.3±1.3),(27.8±1.0)个/cm2,P<0.0001]。乙醇+T4组含有神经肽Y的神经细胞数,仅在生后0d时出现类似于乙醇组,与正常对照组有明显差异[分别为(5.3±0.7),(10.5±0.8)个/cm2,P<0.001],但其余日龄中差异均无显著性意义(P>0.05),乙醇+T4组含有神经肽Y的神经细胞数在生后7d时高于乙醇组,差异显著[分别为(14.2±1.7),(8.5±0.9)个/cm2,P<0.05],生后14d开始出现差异非常显著[分别为(28.7±1.1),(16.3±1.3)个/cm2,P<0.0001]。结论:孕期滥用乙醇的母体接受外源性甲状腺素时,能促进其后代生后早期大脑皮质中神经肽Y的合成,促进含有神经肽Y的神经细胞的发育,进而能够改善胎儿乙醇综合征等降低甲状腺素所引起的脑发育障碍。 AIM: To investigate whether exogenous thyroxine (T4) treatment to alcoholfed dams would ameliorate the detrimental effects of alcohol syndromes on the postnatal development of the offspring with brain injury. METHODS: This study was investigated in the Laboratory of Neuroanatomy, Chosun University from September 2003 to August 2004. Thirty-six time-pregnant SD rats were divided into four groups on the 6^th day of gestation: Alcohol group (n=6) received 147 J calories of 20 mL alcohol (22%) every day; Control group (n=6) was fed with a daily liquid diet in 35 mL dextrin replacing alcohol isocalorically; Alcohol+T4 group (n =6) received 147 J calories of 20 mL alcohol (22%) diet and 5μg/kg exogenous T4 subcutaneously; Surrogate group (n=18) intook food normally. Blood samples were obtained by cardiac puncture, under anesthesia, from each dam within 6 hours after its last pup was born. The plasma concentrations of alcohol and T4 were determined at the Department of Clinical Laboratory, Chosun University Hospital, and were compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Pups of alcohol, control and alcohol+T4 groups were fostered by surrogate mothers, and executed at anesthesia at postnatal 0, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days for measuring the distribution and form of nerve cells containing neuropeptide Y (NPY) via immu'nohistochemistry as well as the number of NPY-containing neurons in the V and VI layers of cerebral cortex. RESULTS: A total of 18 mother rats and 90 pups were involved in the result analysis. ①A similar developmental pattern of mature NPY-containing neurons was observed in both control and alcohol+T4 groups on and after the postnatal 14 days. Many of these cells were bipolar or muhipolar in shape and their processes had increased in length and thickness, and then their fibers and terminals formed a rich network. In contrast, the maturation of NPY-immunoreactive neurons was not found in alcohol group.②The alcohol concentration was higher in alcohol group and alcohol +T4 group than in control group, with significant difference [(0.015±0.006)%, (0.012±0.005)%, 0, P=0.014]: T4 concentration was significantly higher in alcohol+T4 group than in alcohol group [(33±6), (22±4) μg/L, P=0.022].③ The obvious decrease of NPY-containing neurons was observed in alcohol group compared to control group at all ages, and significant reduction of NPY-containing neurons was found after 14 days of birth [(16.3 ±1.3), (27.8±1.0)/cm^2, P 〈 0.000 1]. The number of NPY-containing neurons in alcohol+T4 group was equal to that of alcohol group, and differed significantly from that of control group only on the birthday [(5.3±0.1), (10.5±0.8)/cm^2, P 〈 0.001]. However, the difference was insignificant on other days (P 〉 0.05). Compared with alcohol group, the number of NPY-containing neurons was elevated on the postnatal 7 days in alcohol+T4 group,with the significant difference [(14.2±1.7), (8.5±0.9)/cm^2, P 〈 0.05], and with the extremely significant difference on the postnatal 14 days [(28.7±1.1), (16.3±1.3)/cm^2, P 〈 0.000 1]. CONCLUSION: The NPY synthesis of cerebral cortex and growth oi NPY-containing neurons caused by maternal administration of exogenous T4 may convalesce fetal alcoholic syndromes, one of which is the T4-induced developmental disorder following maternal alcohol abuse.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第30期95-98,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
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