

3D stereo visualization system for craniofacial implant surgery
摘要 目的论文对在个人PC机上对颅颌面医学图像的可视化进行研究,开发出用于颅颌面种植外科的CT断层图像三维可视化系统。方法应用3D纹理映射的方法对颅颌面CT断层图像进行三维重建,并得到其XYZ方向上的切面图像。然后利用边缘检测的方法得到眼眶的位置,并在眼眶位置进行扇形切割,得到18幅扇形切割图像。结果该系统可以帮助医生进行手术前的骨质、骨量分析,设计种植手术的过程及模拟、预测手术的种植效果。结论建立的颅颌面种植外科三维可视化系统以其硬件配置合理、软件设计新颖、多维视角、便捷快速精确等为特色。具有较强的应用价值。 Objective In this paper, the visualization of craniofacial medical image is studied and a three dimension stereo visualization system based on CT fauhage image for implant surgery of craniofacial is presented. Method Using the 3D texture mapping method, the 3D craniofacial image can be reconstructed from the CT images. The segmental images which are vertical to X, Y, Z axes of the reconstruction image can be obtained. The eighteen fan-shaped incising images on the orbital position can also be got by using the edge detection method. At last, get the position of the orbit on the image by using edge detection method and then get eighteen fan-shaped images 'by incising the image. Results Surgeons can analyze the osseous tissue and then design the process of the surgery, simulate or forcast effect of the implant surgery by using the system. Conclusion Anyway, the system is efficient and can be used in practice.
作者 田雪 杨旭
出处 《中国体视学与图像分析》 2006年第2期144-148,共5页 Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis
关键词 种植外科 计算机辅助系统 体绘制 3D纹理映射 implant surgery CAD volume rendering 3D texture-mapping
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