将C60薄膜沉积在Al上,制成了Al/C60结构的薄膜二极管。对Al/C60结构的肖特基结构与金属-绝缘层-半导体(MIS)结构的电学特性做了研究。Al/C60肖特基结构在偏压±2 V时的整流比为30,而Al/C60的MIS结构在偏压±2 V时整流比为100。在MIS结构中,AlOx的形成起着关键的作用。研究还发现,刚沉积好的薄膜二极管,其整流效应并不理想,在真空中经退火处理后,其性能得到增强。此二极管在空气中无封装情况下表现出高稳定性。
Al/C60 thin film diodes has been fabricated by depositing solid C60 on Al films, and the electrical properties of the Schottky structure and MIS structure were measured. The rectification ratio of Schottky structure is 30, while that of the MIS structure is 100 at + 2 V bias voltage. The formation of AlOx plays an important role in the MIS structure. We also found that the immediately prepared film diodes show a poor performance. However, a high performance can be gained after a heat treatment in vacuum. Our diodes also show a high stability in air without device encapsulation.
Vacuum Electronics