对Spin&阵列阴极表面涂敷ZrC薄膜后的发射性能进行了研究。本实验采用原位沉积的方法实现ZrC薄膜的涂敷,所谓原位沉积就是在沉积完Mo尖锥后,立刻沉积ZrC薄膜,其中,ZrC厚度为5~10nm。涂敷ZrC薄膜后的Spindt阵列阴极(ZrC FEA)在相同条件下与Mo阵列相比呈现出良好的发射性能,如相同栅极电压下的发射电流密度升高,开启电压降低。为清洁和光滑发射体表面,本实验在测试前对ZrC FEA进行了场解吸附处理,并比较了ZrC FEA在处理前后发射性能的变化。
We report the characterization of Mo FEAs coated with ZrC thin films (ZrC FEA). The ZrC thin films with a thickness of 5-10 nm were deposited by electron beam evaporation immediately after Mo tips were formed in situ. ZrC FEAs showed the emission properties have been improved in terms of the turn-on voltages and emission current density at the given conditions comparing with Mo FEAs. In order to verify that the surface of the emitters had been cleaned and smoothed, ZrC FEAs were subjected to emission-stimulated desorption before testing. Comparisons between the emission data taken from ZrC FEAs before and after emission-stimulated desorption were also made.
Vacuum Electronics