
土地改革中的农民心态:以1937—1949年的华北乡村为中心 被引量:88

The Peasant Mentality during Land Reform: Centered on Rural North China, 1937-1949
摘要 以往关于土地改革的研究主要限于简单的“政策——效果”模式,忽视了乡村社会尤其是农民大众的心态、行为及其与土地改革的互动关系。1937- 1949年华北乡村土地改革的历史表明:本来给农民带来巨大利益的土地改革,并没有立刻燃起农民的热情之火,他们往往胆小怯懦,不敢立即起来响应。为此,中共从改造传统的民俗伦理入手,通过“挖穷根”、“斗争大会”等方法,激发农民对地主阶级的被剥削感、阶级对立意识、革命斗争意识和拥护中共的意识。在此基础上,一向温和、忍让的中国农民将整个地主阶级打翻在地的复仇情绪宣泄到极点。不仅如此,其传统的平均主义心态不再限于打倒地主阶级的“均贫富”,而是发展为部分贫苦农民侵犯中农利益的绝对平均主义行为。在此贫富错位的社会裂变中,农民传统的发家致富心态转变为既渴望富裕、又惧怕富裕冒尖的矛盾心态,甚至不惜将现有的财产挥霍浪费。总之,在中共土地政策的影响下,农民的传统心态历经空前的激荡和改造,同时一些传统心态也在延续和放大。 Past studies of land reform have been mainly limited to the 'policy-effect' model, ignoring the mentality and behavior of rural society, particularly of peasants, and their interactions with land reform. The history of land reform in rural North China shows that land reform-which would have brought great benefit to peasants-did not immediately ignite the peasants' ardor. They were cowardly, not daring to rise in immediate response. Therefore, starting with the reform of traditional ethics, the Chinese Communist Party tried to excite the peasants' sense of being exploited by landlords, their consciousness of class opposition, their sense of revolutionary struggle, and their support for the CCP, by means of 'digging up the roots of poverty' and 'public struggle meetings'. With this foundation, the hitherto mild and submissive Chinese peasants gave full vent to their vengeful desire to overthrow the entire landed class. Furthermore, their traditional sense of equalitarianism was no longer merely limited to the idea of 'leveling the rich and poor' to bring down the landed class, but developed into extreme equalitarian actions where some poor peasants infringed on the interests of middle peasants. In this social fission and dislocation of poverty and wealth, the peasants' traditional mentality of trying to build up their family fortunes changed into a contradictory mentality of craving for wealth on the one hand, and fearing wealth on the other, even to the extent of devouring and wasting what property they already had. In conclusion, under the influence of the CCP's land policy, the peasants' traditional mentality went through a period of unprecedented tumult and reformulation; at the same time, some traditional attitudes continued on and expanded.
作者 李金铮
出处 《近代史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期76-94,共19页 Modern Chinese History Studies
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