PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the CT features of malignant melanoma originated from the oral and maxillofacial and neck region. METHODS: Fifteen subjects with 23 melanomas in the oral and maxillofacial and neck regions were retrospectively studied with plain (15 subjects) and enhanced (12 subjects) CT examinations. All the malignant lesions were confirmed histopathologically. RESULTS: Twenty-two lesions, fourteen primary and eight metastatic, out of 23 melanomas had positive appearances on CT images. Twenty lesions were demonstrated as soft tissue masses, and 2 as thickening of mucosa (primary lesion). Eighteen lesions were with ill-defined margins and 4 with welldefined margins. Of 19 lesions with contrast CT examination, 5 were evenly enhanced, 9 unevenly enhanced, and 5 without enhancement. The sign of compression of the internal jugular vein was found in 3 lesions. Invasion of the maxilla and mandible was visible in 7 and 2 melanomas, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The CT manifestations of melanomas in the oral and maxillofacial regions are multiple, and most of them were characteristic of inhomogeneous soft tissue masses with ill-defined margins.
China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Malignant melanoma
Computed tomography
Oral and maxillofacial region