AIM: To investigate the correlation between expression of S100 protein gene and formation of pathological scar.
METHODS: The experiment was conducted in the Institute of Molecular Biology, Southern Medical University from May 2003 to January 2005, Specimens were obtained from patients who received plastic surgery in Nanfang Hospital and normal skin tissues were obtained from specimens in prepuce operation, which had no keloid tendency or immune diseases, All patients knew and agreed with the items. Hyperplastic scar group (n=3), keloid group (n=3), normal skin group (n=10), Total DNA of hyperplastic scar, keloid and normal skin were extracted, done with inverse transcript and labeled with two color fluorescence, and then crossed with human gene expression chips including 11 S100 protein genes, Fluorescent scanning and data processing were conducted for further statistical analysis, Changes of expression of S100 protein gene in three groups were detected.
RESULTS: Compared with normal skin tissues, differential expressions of 3 genes in 11 S100 protein genes of hyperplastic scar tissues were significant. S100A7, S100A8 and S100A9 were in up-regulation, Only expression of S100A2 gene in the keloid group was in remarkable down-regulation,
CONCLUSION: ①Differential expression of S100 protein gene is closely related to the formation of pathological scar,②S100 protein genes differentially express in hyperplastic scar and keloid, which facilitate the differential diagnosis between the two, ③Expression of S100A2 gene is lower in keloid and normal in hyperplastic scar, which may be relate to that malignancy of keloid is severer than that in hyperplastic scar and can infiltrate towards peripheral normal tissues.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation