A large volume of aqueous sample (500 μL to 5mL) is injected and held inside a Nafion tubing throughout which the water vapor is diffused by a counter-current sweeping nitrogen gas. The resulting sample flow is adopted into a 50 μm diameter open tubular capillary column. A specifc multiplex gas chromatogramthe total sample chromatogram can be generated by signal averaging of a series of fast chromatograms, each of which is resulted from one of the concentration pulses which are obtained from the adopted sample even chopping or modulating by an on-column thermal desorption modulator (TDM). The modulator is prepared by applying an electrically conductive paint to a 5. 0cm section at the head of the 50μm column. An electrical current pulse applied to a thin conductive film heats the modulator section and the stationary phase within it,releasing a certain number of retained substances as concentration pulses. The modulator functions like an automatic and highly reproducible small-volume injector for a continuously flowing sample stream. It is possible to get detection limits below 1 × 10-9(V/V) using a flame ionization detector. This method is rather simple and highly reproducible and the relative standard deviations obtained by this technique are less than 3% and no sample pretreatment or preconcentration such as cold trap is required. Nafion tubing for water vapor diffusion and TDM for signal averaging make it possible to interface the traditional sample injection with narrow bore capillary column and to make full use of the narrow bore column separation ability.
Chinese Journal of Chromatography