采用MSO培养基诱导了大豆(G.max L.)幼胚的器官(不定芽)发生,最高诱导频率达90%。再生植株移入土壤巳经获得种子。诱导器官发生的适宜幼胚长度为5~6mm。提高培养基中微量元素的浓度能大幅度地提高诱导频率,但并非所有微量元素都需要高浓度。被试的所有基因型表现了基本相似的反应。再生培养物可保持一年以上而不丧失植株再生能力。
Using medium containing 3 ppm 6-benzylaminopurine, 0.05 ppm a-naphthaleneacetic acid and 3-4 times the normal concentration of MS minor salts, organogenesis from immature embryos of soybean (Glycine max) was induced successfully. The highest organogenesis frequency reached to 90% and seeds have been obtained by transplanting regenerated plants to soil.Both increasing and decreasing concentration of 6-benzylaminopurine reduced the frequency obviously. The best length of immature embryo for organogenesis was 5-6 mm. Genotypic variation in the frequency of organogenesis was noted. However, organogenesis was induced from all tested genotypes.High concentration of minor salts played a great part in enhancing frequency of organogen-sis, but not all minor salts were needed in high concentrations. When concentration was, in- creased, some lowered the frequency instead, and some hardly affected the frequency. Under different light condition (light or dark), the needed concentrations of minor salts was different. Under liglt, high concentration of Fe and Zn played the largest part in raising the frequency, but high concentration of Co reduced the frequency instead. Other salts played little effectiveness. Indark, a large range of minor salts in high concentration was needed. High concentraton of Mn,Co and Zn played the largest part in raising the frequency, I, Cu and B were secondary, but high cuncentrations of Fe and Mo reduced the frequency instead. Fe and Co gave just opposite results under light and dark conditions: under light condition, high concentration of Fe and low concentration of Co was needed, and under darkness, opposite result was observed.
Soybean Science