
二十一世纪大学生的培育理念与人文素养教育:通识与专业教育的融合 被引量:39

Cultivation of College Students in the Twenty First Century:Fusion of General Education and Specialty Education
摘要 本文首先分析二十一世纪所出现的信息化与全球化的生活方式以及知识经济时代等三大局势,指出新世纪大学生的培育理念有三:促进“传统”与“现代”的对话、加强“科技”与“人文”的互动、强化全球视野与本土文化的融合。从上述三大教育理念出发,作者提出以下三项教育策略:第一,提倡经典教育,以引导大学生的生命重新与传统文化接触,奠定未来开创新局的文化资源,这是“返本以开新”的教育策略;第二,因应“科技”与“人文”断裂的状态,在大学教育过程中,加强开授贯通“科学、技术与社会”(STS)等领域的课程,以引导学生对现代科技发展中的人文社会问题进行深入分析,使通识教育精神融渗于专业教育之中,从而培育二十一世纪具有批判思考与原创能力的新知识分子;第三,经由优质的东亚人文传统相关课程之引导,而跃入悠久的东亚文化价值传统之中,建立新时代东亚知识青年的价值体系,从而在西方“文化霸权”的支配之下,挺立东亚知识分子的价值观点与立场。 This paper analyzes three defining characters of the lifestyle in the twenty-first century,namely, globalization,information society and“knowledge-based economy”.Three ideas for cultivating the value orientation of university students in the new century are suggested accordingly:to pro- mote dialogue between“tradition”and“modernity”,to increase interaction between“science and technology”and“the humanities”,and to strengthen integration between“global perspec- tive”and“indigenous culture”.Based on the above three ideas,the paper points out three ed- ucation strategies to establish a value orientation in university students through instructional ac- tivities.The first strategy is to promote classical education in order to provide students with a re- newed contact with traditional culture,thus making full use of cultural resources to create an improved future.This is the education strategy of“returning to the root to establish the new.”The second strategy is to respond to the rift between“technology”and“the humanities”in the process of university instruction by strengthening the“science,technology and society”(STS) curriculum,so that students can delve into a deeper analysis of the human problems arising from the rapid development of technology.This effort will enact a fusion of general education and specialty education as well as nurturing the critical thinking skills and originality necessary to intellectuals in the twenty first century.The third strategy is to provide a rich curriculum in the East Asian traditional humanities and delve deeply into this age-old cultural tradition,so as to establish a value orientation for contemporary East Asian youth.Only in this way will East A- sian intellectuals be able to stand up from the domination of cultural hegemony of the West and assert their own value orientation and position.
作者 黄俊杰
机构地区 台湾大学历史系
出处 《北京大学教育评论》 北大核心 2006年第3期19-25,共7页 Peking University Education Review
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