Based on the Biot's dynamic equations,the vertical vibration of an elastic strip foundation resting on saturated soil subgrade which is composed of a dry elastic layer and a saturated substratum is studied. The analysis relied on the use of Fourier integral transform techniques and a pair of dual integral equations governing the vertical vibration of the rigid foundation is established under the consideration of mixed boundary-value condition and the continuity condition. The set of dual integral integral equations are converted to linear equations by means of infinite series of orthogonal functions-the Jacobi polynomials. Consequently,the dynamic compliance Cv of an elastic foundation versus the dimensionless frequency b0 is evaluated. Numerical results indicate that: when the flexible rigidity of the elastic footing is large, the characters of the vertical vibration of the elastic strip footing is similar to that of a rigid strip footing,and the effect of the flexible rigidity can be neglected. The effect of the dimensionless frequency b0 of the dynamic complicance efficient is remarkable when the dimensionless frequency b0 is small; When the dimensionless frequency b0 is large,the effect of the dimensionless frequency b0 can be neglected. When the flexible rigidity is small,with the decrease of the flexible rigidity,the absolute value of real and imaginary part of the dynamic complicance efficient increases.
Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics
dynamic complicance coefficient,strip elastic foundation,a pair of dual integral equations, vertical vibration