水稻是印度尼西亚(以下简称印尼)的主要粮食作物,尽管印尼的水稻常年种植面积在1 180万hm2左右,但是水稻单产低,不能满足印尼人民的消费需求,每年须进口大米200万t左右。实现印尼稻米自给的有效途径是大力发展杂交水稻。介绍了目前印尼水稻生产的现状以及在发展杂交水稻中存在的问题和对策。
Rice is the staple food of Indonesia. Though it has a total rice growing area of about 11.8 million hectares, it can not meet the rapidly increasing food demand because of low yield of rice, resulting in an import of about 2 million tons of rice every year. The most effective way to achieve rice self-sufficiency is to accelerate the extension of hybrid rice in Indonesia. The current status of rice production in Indonesia was briefly introduced, and the problems and strategies in the development of hybrid rice in Indonesia were discussed in the paper.
Hybrid Rice