
听力障碍儿童在交际中语码选择和转换的个案研究 被引量:1

A Case Study on Code Choosing and Code Switching in Communication of Hearing Impairment Children
摘要 语码转换是人们言语交际过程中的一种普遍现象。本研究通过田野调查的方法,取得一名听障儿童在自然情景下近4个月有意义的语言样本,以此探讨听障人士交际中的多语码现象,以及语码选择和语码转换的特点、规律。结果发现,个案在交流中存在着语码转换的现象,且所选用的语码类型非常丰富,即个案在与健听陌生人及老师交流时,以口语为主;在与听障同伴交流时以手语为主,辅以口语。个案在交流中的语码选择与转换主要受交际对象、交际效果和所用词语特点的影响。建议重视听障儿童的语言康复。 Code switching is a universal phenomenon in communication among people. Using field research, this paper collects plenty of valuable language samples of a hearing impairment child during his 4 - month daily in natural situations to discuss the multi - code phenomenon in communication of hearing impairment people as well as the characteristics and the rules of code choosing and code switching, The results show that the subject uses code switching in his communication, and the types of codes he uses show great diversity in that the subject mainly uses spoken language when communicating with ordinary strangers and teachers, while mainly uses sign language with oral language as a supplement when communicating with hearing impairment peers, Code choosing and code switching of the subject in communication are mainly influenced by object of communication, effect of communication and characteristics of words that are used. Emphasis on language rehabilitation of hearing impairment children is suggested.
作者 汤凌燕
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第7期13-17,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 语码选择 语码转换 个案研究 听力障碍儿童 言语交际 语言康复 手语 特殊教育 hearing impairment children code choosing code switching case study
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