Through research on spontaneous language of a 5 - year - old child with mildly mental retardation in natural situations, this article analyzes the subject's language development in parts of speech, grammar structure, MLU, syntactic structure and pragmatics, and explores causes of the child's deficiency of language ability. The results show that most of the words that the subject uses are concrete words; MLU used by the child is 2.07 which is the level of 2 - year - old ordinary children ; there is obvious deficiency in the subject' s communication skills; the subject's ability of language use has not been formed and stays at the language phase of self- cen- teredness. Lower cognitive level of the subject and insufficient language input to the subject are main reasons of the subject's deficiency of language ability. Creating a good language environment for the subject and strengthen parent- child interaction are beneficial to the child's improvement of language ability.
Chinese Journal of Special Education