为提高重型颅脑损伤的疗效,本组采用神经生长素(NGF)治疗此类病人150例,其剂量为成人NGF10000 U,儿童5000 U,1~2次/d,20天为一疗程,全组治疗20~180次不等.结果显示,总有效率达97%,而常规治疗组74%,与常规治疗组相比有显著差异(P<0.01)。文章就NGF对颅脑伤的治疗作用和NGF对脑损伤病人治疗的作用机理进行了讨论。作者认为,NGF治疗重型颅脑损伤是一种有效的治疗方法。
In order to enhance the therapeutic effect on severe head injury, 150 patients were treated with nerve growth factor (NGF). The dosages were 10 000U in adult,5 000U in child,1-2 times/d and 20 days a course. The treatment lasted 20-180 times. The results showed a total effecttive rate was about 97%. but in the routine treatment group,the total effective rate was 74%,There was a significant difference as compared with the routine treatment group (P<0. 01). The therapeutic function of NGF on treating severe head injuries and the action mechanisms of NGF were discussed. It was concluded that NGF is an effective drug in the treatment of severe head injury.
head injury
nerve growth factor