从激光晶体能级结构出发,利用速率方程,分析了Nd:YAG激光系统的放大自发辐射(Amplified Spontaneous Emission,ASE)和激发态吸收(Excited State Absorption,ESA)对激光输出的影响。介绍了输出耦合及抽运和热效应对1 444 nm激光输出的影响。在反射率为0.80~0.95之间,输出耦合对输出效率影响不明显。
Based on the energy level diagram, the rate equations indicate that ASE and ESA eliminate the population of upper energy level, make slope efficiency of 1 444 nm lasers lower and reduce gain. The output power of 1 444 nm lasers can increased through cooling. When the reflectivity of output mirror varies from 0.80 to 0.95, the output coupling has no great effect on output efficiency.
Optics & Optoelectronic Technology