In order to examine the effects of fenbutatin oxide 10% EC on controlling Panonychus citri in field, the experiment was carried out during 2004 - 2005 at Anxiang and Liling. The results showed that fenbutain oxide 10% EC with dosages of 200 - 250 mg/kg had and excellent effect to control the citrol red mite. The control effects was 70.7% on the first day after treatment and 87.2% - 92.4% on the third day, over 92.7% on the 7^th day and 95.3% - 98.8% on the 15^th day. The control effects reached 82.0% - 93.9% on the 30^th day. The control effects were similar to or better than those by using pyridaben 15 % EC with 75 mg/kg. Therefore, fenbutatin oxide 10% EC is recommended to controlling citrus red mite.
Hunan Agricultural Sciences